I've come to the conclusion that my best friend and I shouldn't be allowed to talk to each other anymore because we have crazy conversations like the one you are about to read. I'll let y'all imaginations decide who was A & who was B. LOL =)
A - ::singing:: Just keep swimmin, just keep swimmin...
B - Who? The spermies?
A - Whaaaat?
B - The spermies... swimmin in your stomach...
A - Noooo... if they got to my stomach, they wouldn't be swimming, they'd be dead
B - Ohhhh yeah, the acid in there would kill them...
A - Yeah, and they'd be brain damaged!
B - ...................... What?
A - They'd. Be. Brain damaged...
A - Yeah... isn't the round part the brain?
B - OH MY G--... be quiet, you're no longer allowed to talk.
B - Because once you start talkin about brain damaged sperm, your talking privileges are revoked...
A - That's grossly unfair!
B - Yeah, well... you're just gross...
A - You're the one talkin about me swallowing sperm!
B - Would you rather I talk about you spitting it out?
A - No that's wasteful...
B - OH MY G--!!!! Be quiet, I need time to think about this...
A - But---
B - Uh uh, shhh no talking!
A - But, its---
B - HUSH, seriously!
A - It IS wasteful... waste not, want not!
B -Oh. My. G--. Absolutely disgusting! This is why you're not allowed to talk...
A - Swallowing is good for you... like breastfeeding..
B - Excuse me??? Wait, gimme a second ::hits record button on cell phone:: Okay, proceed with this explanation...
A - Okay, they said when you breastfeed babies, it's... you're giving the babies your anti---- oxidants??? Or whatever, so that they'll be safe from things that you've gone through. Well the same thing is in the sperm!
B - ::sigh::
A - So if he had the flu you'd get his flu-fighting thing...... in the sperm
B - Oh. My. G--.
A - It's healthy!
B - You are retarded...
A - ::laughs:: but {insert B's real name}, it makes sen---
B - No.
A - Hmmmm...
B - This is unacceptable!
A - A cup of sperm a day keeps the doctor away!
B - I'm appalled at your behavior.
A - A cup of sperm a day keeps the doctor away...
B - Mkay..............
A - ::laughs::
B - YOU live by that rule. I think I'LL just go to the doctor...
A - ::laughs::
B - That's what I think.
A - ::laughs:: Well, maybe once a week...
B - No, that's okay...
A - ::sounds hurt:: W-why?
B - ....Anyway, I'm not allowed to, remember?
A - ::mumbles:: we'll be sickly...
B - What???
A - We're just gonna be a little sickly this year!
B - ::sigh:: I hate youuuuu...
A - ::laughs:: What's wrong {insert B's real name}? ::pause:: AND it has vitamins...
B - What?!?!
A - And it has vitamins ... and it cleans your teeth. What more can you ask for?
B - Oh. My. Gosh.
A - Vitamins, it fights colds, AND it cleans your teeth ::pause, then incredulously:: You know how much that would cost in a store???
B - ::cracks up::
A - ::joins in::

Btw... I have this in audio (from where it says, "hits record button" so if you would like to hear it, let me know LOL [Cristen's gonna kill me one day I swear] -smiles-)
Til the next time...
-Breathe Easy-
you guys are 'tards! Lucky ur both hot!
Why do I gotta be a 'tard tho... She said most of the fcktarded stuff in this convo! Lol
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