About Me

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I have a lot of thoughts in my mind (I think my brain is set on overdrive... it's like it's taken one too many hits of speed!)

I have to get these thoughts out somehow... Hence my 3 blogs:

-Harder 4 Me 2 Breathe (sort of like a diary with some essay type things mixed in there)
-MiZzUnD3RzT00D P03TRii (self-explanatory)
-MiZzUnD3RzT00D PR0z3 (all my sick twisted stories, lol... well they're not all sick and twisted, but I do have a tendency to lean toward the macabre)

These are my thoughts, manifested in words to the best of my ability in expressing them...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rant #1 (this might happen a lot.... lol)

Just when I think that life can't get any worse... Things fall apart even more... I mean, I'm stuck in a job I hate, I'm not sure if I can even get back to school, my aunt is hassling me now more than ever, I have HELLA bills to pay that I'm not sure where I'm gonna get the money from, every stupid girl in the general vicinity has some sort of personal vendetta against me... can it get any worse? I sure hope not... because I'm about 2.5 minutes away from losing it completely...

-Breathe easy-

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